Erti Kehidupan Pada Membuat Pilihan...

Erti Kehidupan Pada Membuat Pilihan

Thursday, January 27, 2011



I would like to apologise for 'my long disappearance' . Actually I was tied up with other 'critical' obligations. I would like also to appologize if my english is broken here and there . I’m not that eager to write in English , but sometimes it is just that I want more people (esp. those who do not undertand Malay) to share ‘my message’. I was quite surprise to discover my writing on “It is not all about to get A” was being “attached/linked” by non-Malay spoken blogger eventhough in that article I also used some Malay terms (words).
A few days ago I went to a supermarket with my three kids. After buying some groceries, we strolled the trolley passing the main exit approaching the main 'lobby' near the car park. Many trolleys were put there scattered all over. My youngest daughter sighed, “these people just do not know how to dicipline themselves, look at how they let these trolleys block the ‘walkway’” then my son added angrily, “The supermarket (mgmt) has provided a place to put these trolleys but most of them do not use it,”
“Well sayang, if there are people who do not know how to behave, make sure we are not behaving the same.” By that time my eldest daughter had put our trolley at the allocated place.
“Why don’t you arrange all these trolleys at their proper place?, I asked.
“Why should I do the jobs that should have been done by oyhers?” my son replied still with his anger. His statement was agreed by my youngest daughter. My eldest daughter started to arrange the trolleys.
“Didn’t I (ibu) tell you that it doestn’t matter if people do not see what we are doing, but one thing for sure, we must strongly believe that Allah is wacthing what we are doing all the time and Allah is the Most Just and The Most Powerfull and not even a small deed you do not recorded (noticed)?” After they were reminded of this fact, it did not take even five minutes to see all the trolleys were nicely arranged in their place by my kids. My son even try to help keep the trolley that was strolled by a boy but the boy who had listened to what I said want to put the trolley nicely by himself.
I was so gratefull (syukur) to Allah that my kids (for this particular occasion)were very sensitive to ‘the presence of Allah’. I believe all children also will have the same sensitivity if we constantly remind them of Allah. However do not expect they will obey to our command on the spot, we need to remind them over and over and over again. It is ok if they do not show any sign of ‘awareness’ but as parents please do not feel tired to remind them of Allah all the times and at the same time pray (doa) to Allah that our children would be good muslims. I believe if this is done constantly, insyaAllah we can change our children for the better . Punishments would not do much change I believe, but remembering Allah and The Day of Judgement (Hari Pengadilan) would refraint us from doing sinful things. Just imagine how wonderful and peacefull the life in this world would be if all of us has “Allah concious”all the time.

See you again.

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